Gentec attains Platinum Club member status after seven years as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies

Joel Seigel, President and CEO of Gentec International, is pleased to announce that Gentec has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies at the Platinum Club level.
Established in 2003, the Platinum Club designation recognizes companies that have earned the Canada’s Best Managed Companies status for six consecutive years or more. Honoured for a seventh consective year, Gentec International is proud to join the ranks of this elite group.
“We are constantly striving to reach a level of excellence that distinguishes us from our competition,” stated Mr. Seigel. “Being recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies at the Platinum Club level means that we have consistently attained that goal. And we have our retail and trade partners to thank for helping us get there, year after year.”
Established in 1993, Canada’s Best Managed Companies is a national awards program, recognizing Canadian companies that have implemented world-class business practices and created value in innovative ways. Applications are reviewed by an independent judging panel that evaluates how companies address various business challenges, including new technologies, globalization, brand management, leadership, leveraging and developing core competencies, designing information systems, and hiring the right talent to facilitate growth.