Hoya HMC Close-Up +1+2+4 SET II Filter


Filter Size: 77mm
Retail Price:
Sale price$258.95

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Hoya Close-Up filter set II includes +1, +2, and +4 diopters for close-up photography. These filters decrease the minimum focus distance of any lens they are used with.
The set of 3 filters allows the photographer to control how close they want to get to their subject.
The Hoya Close-Up filters can be used separately or combined to get even closer.
The Depth-of-field is very shallow when close-up filters are being used so using small an apertures is recommended.
Comes with filter pouch.

HOYA CLOSE-UP Lens Set II is a convenient kit of 3 multi coated close-up lens No.1, No. 2 and No.4 for macro photography using either digital or film cameras. Completely clear optical lens element inside light aluminum frame will let you get closer to the object.

Close-up lens is an extremely convenient tool that is by attaching to the front part of the master lens allows you shooting in macro style. In other words, close-up lens makes the original minimum working distance of your lens shorter, that will allow you to get closer to the subject and shoot it with bigger magnification. Close-up lens will let you get in a new world of creativity, providing detailed close-up shots. Suggested for shooting flora, insects and small objects.

You can get closer to the object with the master lens that originally will not allow you to do so.
Unlike macro lens, close-up lens is very compact and will not take much space in your bag.
Macro lens is usually prime lens. Close-up lens can be used with zoom lenses, thus converting your zoom lens into macro zoom lens.
Zero exposure magnifying factor, shutter speed will not change.
Less flares and ghosts thanks to HOYA multi coated glass.
Possibility to create other diopters by combining two close-up lenses together. For example, No.1 + No.2 is equal to No.3.
Can be used with other effect filters like Polarizing filter*
* Combining close-up filters with other filters might cause vignetting.

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